State Certified Family Violence Intervention Group
Anger Management
Tuesday, 5:30 – 630pm (teen)
Wednesday, 5:30 – 6:30pm (adult)
(Other classes are scheduled as requested)
Group Hours
Family Violence Intervention Group
Women FVIP Group
Thursday, 4pm -5:30pm
Saturday, 12pm-1:30pm
Men FVIP Group
Thursday, 6:15pm – 7:45pm
Saturday 10:am – 11:30pm
Our Programs
Our Family Violence Intervention Program will help you learn that violence is never acceptable, and understand its effect on the entire family. Contrary to popular belief intimate partner violence is rooted in power and control. You will learn to accept responsibility for your behavior.
Successful completion of Anger Management Classes (Adult or Teen) will provide you with enhance communication skills, enable you to be proactive and not reactive, and empower you to recognize, danger zones and be able to choose healthy alternatives.
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